This clown, Ron Jones who everyone seems to call Mayor because he was the Mayor of someplace back east until they found out his kid is a child molestor and he got kicked out of office.
This guy is a disaster. He talks a big talk, but he is secretly sleeping with some of the girls he brings in and puts them in high end positions within his new company (which is all a front) and then he brainwashes them to help him to bilk people out of hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars.
I have met with him once only but he tried to play me, he took money from a friend and never gave it back on a fake project for this Ofir Engel person, also a con woman. I was going to beat his a** right there, he doesn't know who I am. But I let him talk his game. Then he offered me a position in his company, s***, he doesn't even know who I am. Then he wants me to help him con companies to give him money. This guy is a troll!
Run from this man, he is after your money and has no legitimate projects and has already hurt many people!